The Effective Role of Using Audio-visual Aids in EFL Classroom at a Libyan University: Libyan EFL Tutors’ Perceptions


  • Kamila Alhadi Algwil Al Asmarya University for Islamic Sciences, Zliten, Libya Author
  • Abdullatif Ishtewi Aburawi Al Asmarya University for Islamic Sciences, Zliten, Libya Author



Audio Aids, Visual Aids, Technology, Effectiveness, Libyan EFL Tutors


This study focuses on Libyan EFL tutors’ beliefs towards using audio-visual aids within lectures in teaching English language at a Libyan university. The aims of the current study are to explore Libyan EFL tutors’ perceptions on the use of audio-visual aids in teaching and to investigate the challenges that may face in using audio-visual aids. It is a qualitative study because 15 Libyan EFL tutors are chosen purposively (i.e hand-picked for purpose) in order to gain in-depth understanding to their perceptions and perspectives with regard to audio-visual aids. The methods that are used to collect data are semi-structured interview and observation. Thematic analysis is used to analyse the data into codes and themes. The findings reveal that the majority of the participants have positive beliefs on using audio-visual aids. They indicate that audio-visual aids contribute to increase students’ understanding and comprehension, motivate students and make the lecture more interesting, and develop cultural awareness. The findings also show that few participants have little awareness of the effective role of audio-visual aids as they perceive the traditional methods of teaching as fair enough to convey their knowledge to their students. Moreover, the results reveal that limited resources and insufficient staff development workshops are the main challenges that effect on using audio-visual aids adversely.

Author Biographies

  • Kamila Alhadi Algwil, Al Asmarya University for Islamic Sciences, Zliten, Libya

    Assistant Professor, Faculty of humanities, English Language Department 

    Email :

  • Abdullatif Ishtewi Aburawi, Al Asmarya University for Islamic Sciences, Zliten, Libya

    Lecturer, Faculty of humanities, English Language Department

    Email :




How to Cite

The Effective Role of Using Audio-visual Aids in EFL Classroom at a Libyan University: Libyan EFL Tutors’ Perceptions. (2024). Arabic Journal for Translation Studies, 3(8), 284-294.