The Cinematic Scenario between Theory and Application: A Study of the Moroccan Film, “A’idoune as a Model”


  • Hilal Bengammar Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco Author



Scenario, Characters, Plot, Quotation, Sequence, Technical Analysis


The screenplay is not merely a text to be read; it is a world to be lived. In this article, we delve into the depths of the screenplay as both an art form and a communication tool, exploring its fundamental elements that extend beyond pen and paper. We dissect plotlines, characters, dialogues, and settings each element contributing to an immersive experience for readers or viewers. When skillfully woven together, these elements can transport us to other realms, provoke our thoughts, and stir our emotions. In a rapidly changing world where events and characters intertwine to shape reality, screenplay emerges as a vital tool for understanding and portraying this complexity not only in films or plays but also in every facet of our lives. We exist within multiple scenarios governed by specific rules and expectations. This article delves into the essential elements of film production, emphasizing the significance of a well-crafted and distinctive screenplay. We have all watched globally renowned films, often remembering them for their stories or narratives essentially, their screenplays. However, transitioning from an amateur screenwriter to a professional is no easy feat unless one master the mechanics, techniques, and components of this art form. Additionally, training and talent play crucial roles. Studying screenplays, analyzing films, and reading numerous scripts grant screenwriters vision, uniqueness, and excellence in their work. This article aims to explore the theoretical aspects of screenwriting alongside practical, analytical studies of a television film. It highlights how the screenplay materializes through collaborative efforts and ultimately succeeds based on audience judgment.

Author Biography




How to Cite

The Cinematic Scenario between Theory and Application: A Study of the Moroccan Film, “A’idoune as a Model”. (2024). Arabic Journal for Translation Studies, 3(8), 245-266.